We’ve used Peplink technologies here at Venn since the very beginning. Our first customers used Peplink to combine multiple cellular links to deliver resilient, redundant wireless connectivity wherever it was needed. And since then we’ve deployed Peplink technologies in almost every imaginable vertical and customer type and use case on land, sea and in the air.
And it’s a testament to Peplink as to how uh, versatile their products and technologies have become. Today there are two things that really stand out for me about Peplink. The first is just how very good it is at managing multiple WAN links and how easy it is to connect any type of link to a Peplink device and make the best use of it.
Once you get connected, The next most powerful thing for us as service providers is how great the remote monitoring management and support capabilities are. We can ship a device to a customer. They can unbox it, plug it in, and turn it on. And as soon as it gets connected to the internet, it will receive an automatic configuration that gets that customer online in the most rapid way possible.
And then subsequently, any of our remote support team, wherever they are in the world, Can connect to that device and tweak the configuration or tune the performance to deliver the highest possible quality internet connection for that customer using whatever internet links are available. And later, if that customer needs more bandwidth or if they need more reliability, they can add more internet connections in and we can subsequently update that configuration and tune the performance as their needs change and grow.
It’s this capability, this WAN management and remote access that enables us to deliver such a high quality level of service everywhere in the world and lets us as a company deploy teams into new regions that can support any device wherever it may be. We really enjoy using Peplink technologies here at Venn because it lets us deploy new services in new places quickly and reliably and with fantastic levels of performance.